Friday, November 5, 2010

Life has been happening...

I'm not so sure if I have updated about all of the bare with me! Life has been a little hectic, and I have been a little...A LOT tired.

After 4 pediatrician visits in 3 weeks, I took my son to the E.R, where they told me he has reflux which is causing colic. They prescribed him Zantac, and three days later, the miracle drug kicked in! THANK GOD! My son wasn't sleeping but fifteen minutes at a time, and I wasn't sleeping, but 3 hours combined a night.
Yesterday Jax started beta blockers to help with his birthmarks, and so far, no issues. THANK GOD AGAIN!
Hey, it is November...Thanksgivings around the corner, and I SURE AM thankful for a lot these last couple weeks.

I ordered my husbands new wedding band which will be acting as his Anniversary present, and I'm pretty excited about it. I love it a lot, and I hope he does too. Speaking of my wonderful man, hopefully he will be home for some much needed R & R in the next couple months!

Today, I went and got my sons pictures done. Some for Christmas, and some for fun :)
I'll update with those later tonight or when life gives me another chance to have five minutes to sit down.

I'm still catching up on my sleep, and I've got a list as long as the Nile of things to get done.
I have much more to say, but as of right now, my child is a callin'.

Hope everyone is doing well..and getting into the holiday spirit!
I sure am! HOWEVER, I really could pass on these freezing temperatures, and the flakes of snow that just started falling. No, not much snow...just little flurries...but that's more snow then I'm ready for!

Until next time....
Stay thankful my friends. <3

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