Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bad News, Followed by Bad News, Followed by...You guess it!

I haven't updated in quite some time, and with good reason.
I've had my son at the doctors three times, and last night, I'd had enough and took him to the emergency room.
For the past month, my son has been up all night, SCREAMING like he's being murdered. He gets real bad gas and cries and cries and cries. The doctor has had me change his formula three times, and change bottles twice. I've tried a sleep wedge, I've tried Mylacon drops, and gripe water, to no avail.
Finally last night, to the emergency room we went. They determined he has reflux, which is causing colic. They sent us home with a prescription, and we're praying this does some work!
Exhausted does not begin to explain how tired I am, as I'm averaging three hours, NOT CONSTANT, sleep a night, for the last three weeks. My child is uncomfortable, and I'm at whits end.
The doctor told me all about how her daughter had this, and when her husband finally got home at night she would say..."YOU HAVE TO TAKE HER I CANT DO THIS". She said she cried and cried everyday.
And then I cried. I needed that cry. I cried for everything. For my sons pain, for my exhaustion, for frustration, for anger, for sadness, for my husband not being here, for the hell of it, I just cried. And she told me it was okay. She told me it was more then normal, and to get the hell out of the room sometimes and just take a break. I needed to hear that. I needed to know it was okay to NEED a break from your child when all he does is cry, and I needed to hear it was okay to CRY! I think I was so afraid of crying, and wanting a break, meaning I was failing, so I held it in. And now I feel a little better...if only for a day.
I'm praying this medicine works, however they say it will take five to seven days before we will know if it's working or not. Please let this give us, ATLEAST a little relief.

Untill I have something interesting to say...
I hope everyone is having better days..

<3 AA

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