Monday, January 17, 2011

Just clearing my mind.

The last couple months have brought a lot of pain and hurt to many people.
Among those emotions, are pride, and hope, and admiration.
Some have laughed about memories passed.
Some of have reminiced about good times.
I think mostly, we have all cried.
I have done all of the above.
I admire the men that were lost, I admire their families for their strength and courage. I admire their wives and children, for the battles they will continue to fight each and everyday as they walk down the path of coping, and carrying on.
Most importantly I have learned.

I have learned that you never take a person you love for granted.
You never ever stop appreciating what they are in your life.
Close your eyes and imagine them vanished forever, and then tell me how much they piss you off.
Tell me how much they upset you, or frustrate you. Tell me then that you just don't care.
I have learned just how little...the little things mean, when it comes to that argument, or that fight.
Choose your battles. Some are just not worth it.

I have come to see that nothing in the world can take the place of someone you cherish so much,
and nobody words will ever ease the pain of their loss.

Everyone is always in such a rush.
Where are we going?
If the person we love isn't sitting next to us...there is nowhere all that important to go.
We can close our eyes and dream a million dreams, but if we do not have the one we drempt them with...
What are they really worth?
Stop worrying so much about the little fight, the argument, the misjudgment, the wrong turn, the burn dinner, getting woken up to early, running out of gas...whatever it is. Does it really matter?

I have realized that the most important of all things are family.
I want to wake up every single day to my son and my husband.
Not everyone still has that luxury.
I want to spend holiday mornings in the arms of my love.
Some will miss this, every single year.
I want to watch my son grow old, and give my grandbabies..
while I'm rocking in the rocking chair next to my husband.
Some will never have that.
I admire those who have lose their lover. Their best friend. Their other half.
Your strength is something I can not even fathom.
For today, and for always, I want hold my son and my husband in a higher light then ever before.
I want them to know how much I admire them, and appreciate them.
That the little fight, or the spilled juicy cup, or the hard times, will never matter, like they matter.
Those are merely specks of sand, in the big picture.
If I can wake up everyday with my son and my husband, I am forever indebted to the God, for allowing me to be so blessed, and so humbled to have had this wake up call, and see just what IS important in life.

Don't ever take those who love you for granted.
Don't run through life so fast.
Don't hold on to the little arguments and hard times...
Forever look forward and know, that if you have each other you have the most important things.

My prayer tonight is for the families and wives, who do not have another day with their hero.
May God fill your life with gentle reminders of your love, your lifetime of memories, and your dreams.
May your babies be constant reminders of who they were.
May you forever be greatful for the times you have.
I also pray for me and my family to forever be this aware of what is important, and to continue to take life for what it is worth, and realize what matters the most, and what the real importance is...FAMILY! <3

I guess that's all. I'm going to try to sleep now.

Until whenever..

<3 AA

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